Thursday, August 25, 2005

Changes...Ghost Hunters...Free Career Advice!

Well, a lot has gone on since my last post. Basically, just with my job. These days, it seems like all I do is work. Most of my free time is spent sleeping. Anyway, they fired my boss yesterday, which was unexpected. I mean, it's no secret that the company is not doing well, but we thought they'd give him more time than this. He only had a few weeks, and there's no way anyone could have effected change that quickly. I feel bad for him, since he has a family and all, and it's always hard to see someone get fired. Plus he'd been with the company for years. But we have to move on.

Morale has taken a hit, and I just hope everyone sticks it out. I've basically decided to stay put and see what the new boss has in mind. Apparently a new business plan is in the works, and at this point, I'm willing to try anything. As the only manager left in my office, I hope I'm at least consulted and allowed some input. Time will tell.

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Ghost Hunters on the SciFi channel is a great show. Seriously. If you're not watching it, check it out. It's a reality show based on these guys in Rhode Island who basically investigate hauntings. It's just a really good show, funny, edited well, and genuinely spooky at times. I don't watch much TV (I just don't have the attention span these days to watch stuff that can't keep my attention), but this show is a must-see for me. And even at an hour, it always leaves me wanting more. That's rare these days. Whether you believe in ghosts or not, check it out. It's on at 9pm on Wednesdays.

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Free Job Hunting Tip: When you're going on an interview, make sure you bring a clean copy of your resume, preferably on nice paper. Bring it in a folder, or a briefcase, or some other device that will keep it crisp and clean. Do not crumple it up and put it in your back pocket. Don't use the resume with coffee stains on it. And please, if you're going to write it by hand, in pencil, on notebook paper, make sure that you trim the edges when you rip it out of your spiral notebook. Those little "frillies" just make it look so unprofessional. And people wonder why I'm so stressed out by 5pm every day...


Song of the Day: Angel, by Aerosmith

This song is Aerosmith at their best, I think. This was their "comeback" album (Permanent Vacation), and in my mind, some of their best work. This was before they were doing soundtrack songs for Ben Affleck movies and the infamous "Cryin'/Crazy/Amazing" all-our-songs-are-wimpy-and-sound-alike phase that they drifted into. I think they just released an album a few months ago. Didn't hear about it? Don't worry, you're not alone. Anyway, I love this album, and this song in particular is awesome. When I first got cable, this was one of the videos MTV played all the time, and I just fell in love with this song. I just love the harmonies at the end, and the strings are incredible. Simple yet effective. Great tune.