It really is scary what's going on in the Gulf Coast right now, in the aftermath of hurricane Katrina. Anarchy seems to have broken loose. Bad enough that thousands are dead, and that entire cities are flooded in up to 20 feet of water. But now people are looting, and even worse, people have guns, and are shooting at law enforcement and rescuers. My heart really goes out to people who have been decimated by this disaster. But part of me is really saddened, to see how quickly society degrades in a situation like this. How soon before roving gangs of looters with guns start gunning down families over a scrap of food, or a bottle of water? We think we are so eveolved. But we're not so far removed from animals after all. Situations like this are supposed to bring out the best in people, and in human-kind: helpfulness, caring of your fellow man. Stealing TV sets is not necessary for survival. Roving flooded cities with guns, terrorizing people who are trying to rescue you is not human. It's simply acting like a wounded animal. I fear for this world if we are ever faced with a world-wide disaster. In a matter of a month we will be like cavemen, attacking each other for a scrap of food, defending our territory. Very scary...
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I've decided to stay at my job. Things seem to have improved since last week, and the new VP seems to be very strategic instead of a raving lunatic. I can deal with this...
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Right now, I'm just looking forward to a nice 3-day weekend. Tomorrow will be a slow, quiet, shortened day of work, and then it's 3 days relaxing, enjoying the official end of summer. I'll catch up on this weeks episode of Ghost Hunters, and play my newly redeiscovered Playstation 2. Gotta love video games.
Stay safe, and be kind to your fellow man.
Blogging is Not a Crime Campaign Launches
Todd Malicoat and I have been talking about the lawsuit over blog comments scandal our friend Aaron Wall is involved with that holds implications for all bloggers and forum owners, everywhere.
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Mothering Magazine says Cartoon Network's Tickle U isn't funny
In a previous post on Blogging Baby, Stefania reported the new group of shows launched by Cartoon Network to promote a sense of humor in children.
Hey, you have a great blog here! I'm definitely going to bookmark you!
I have a work from home site. It pretty much covers work from home related stuff.
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